At the Copenhagen Lab, we know that chefs in restaurants and canteens are important actors in the food system, with an important impact on who wins and loses in the game of growing and selling food. Our working theory is, the more chefs know about the impact of their procurement, the better able they are to act as agents for sustainable food system transformation, by sourcing ingredients with a positive impact.

We are developing a new tool that shows how much organic Danish farmland supplies participating canteen and restaurant kitchens. The resulting quantification of local, organic land area can be used as a new metric of success, giving professional kitchens the opportunity to see their current and potential impact on sustainable local agriculture, and work towards a more positive impact on the local foodshed by targeting more local, organic, seasonal, plant-based production through their procurement.

FoodSHIFT 2030 is putting citizens at the centre of food systems change in a novel approach to scale-up, multiply and share the best food innovations European communities have to offer.

Changing Food is Lab Leader for Greater Copenhagen Lab ’Kitchens of Tomorrow’ in close collaboration with Circular Food Technology, Lejre Municipality and University of Copenhagen

Learn more in this video

COCOREADO is a project designed to rebalance the position of the farmer as an individual actor, as a key player in innovative food supply chains, and as a supplier for public procurement. 

Changing Food is collaborating with University of Copenhagen to share experiences with specifying tender requirements for sustainable public procurement of food. 

We have to work together to achieve a sustainable food system, and we need to make changes both locally and global.

Changing Food is always ready to share experiences and knowledge, and works together with a range of partners

Sustain, UK

Food for Life, UK

Dynmaic Purchasing UK, UK

Bund Ökologische Lebensmittelwirtshaft, Germany

Tasting India, New Dehli

EAT Foundation, Oslo
